AssertJ custom assertion for testing ConstraintValidator implementations

Posted at — Apr 1, 2016
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If you want to unit test a ConstraintValidator with AssertJ, then you can use this custom validator to make the tests more readable:

import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;

import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation;
import java.util.Set;

public class ConstraintViolationSetAssert extends AbstractAssert<ConstraintViolationSetAssert, Set<? extends ConstraintViolation>> {

    public ConstraintViolationSetAssert(Set<? extends ConstraintViolation> actual) {
        super(actual, ConstraintViolationSetAssert.class);

    public static ConstraintViolationSetAssert assertThat(Set<? extends ConstraintViolation> actual) {
        return new ConstraintViolationSetAssert(actual);

    public ConstraintViolationSetAssert hasViolationOnPath(String path) {

        // check condition
        if (!containsViolationWithPath(actual, path)) {
            failWithMessage("There was no violation with path <%s>. Violation paths: <%s>", path,
                                                                                                        .map(violation -> violation

        return this;

    private boolean containsViolationWithPath(Set<? extends ConstraintViolation> violations, String path) {
        boolean result = false;

        for (ConstraintViolation violation : violations) {
            if (violation.getPropertyPath().toString().equals(path)) {
                result = true;
        return result;

An example unit test that uses this:

public void givenInvalidUsername_violationConstraint() {
    CreateUserParameters p = new CreateUserParameters();

    ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
    Validator validator = factory.getValidator();

    Set<ConstraintViolation<CreateUserParameters>> violationSet = validator.validate(parameters);

    // static import for ConstraintViolationSetAssert

See for the documentation if you want to create your own custom assertions using AssertJ. There is even a Maven plugin that allows to generate custom assertions automatically:

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