Validation of multiple email addresses in flex

Posted at — Feb 7, 2011

For our flex application, I had a 'cc' field that could handle multiple email addresses. When adding validation, I first used the standard EmailValidator class. However, this would not work as soon as you want to add multiple email addresss, like:;

Luckily, creating a custom validator to handle this case is quite easy:

import mx.validators.EmailValidator;
import org.as3commons.lang.StringUtils;

* This validator allows validation of multiple email addresses
* that are separated by a semicolon (;)

public class CompositeEmailValidator extends EmailValidator
    public function CompositeEmailValidator()

    override protected function doValidation( value:Object ):Array
        var result:Array = [];
        var emailsString:String = String( value );
        var emails:Array = StringUtils.tokenizeToArray( emailsString, ";" );

        for each (var email:String in emails)
            var emailResult:Array = super.doValidation( email );

            if (emailResult.length > 0)
                result = result.concat( emailResult );

        return result;

I first use the tokenizeToArray function (from the excellent as3commons lang) to split up the string into separate email addresses. Each of those are validated using the flex EmailValidator. All those results are put together and returned to the caller of doValidation().

The correctness of this is easily validated by writing a unit test:

import flexunit.framework.TestCase;


public class CompositeEmailValidatorTest extends TestCase

    public function CompositeEmailValidatorTest()


    public function testSingleEmail():void
        var validator:CompositeEmailValidator = new CompositeEmailValidator();
        var result:ValidationResultEvent = validator.validate( "" );

        assertEquals( ValidationResultEvent.VALID, result.type );

    public function testSingleEmailInvalid():void

        var validator:CompositeEmailValidator = new CompositeEmailValidator();
        var result:ValidationResultEvent = validator.validate( "" );

        assertEquals( ValidationResultEvent.INVALID, result.type );

    public function testMultipleEmails():void
        var validator:CompositeEmailValidator = new CompositeEmailValidator();

        var result:ValidationResultEvent = validator.validate( ";" );

        assertEquals( ValidationResultEvent.VALID, result.type );

    public function testMultipleEmailsInvalid():void
        var validator:CompositeEmailValidator = new CompositeEmailValidator();

        var result:ValidationResultEvent = validator.validate( ";" );

        assertEquals( ValidationResultEvent.INVALID, result.type );
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