Testcontainers-cypress release 0.4.0

Posted at — Feb 11, 2020
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Testcontainers-cypress 0.4.0 is released with support for Cypress 4.0.1 which has Firefox support.

Multiple browsers

With testcontainers-cypress 0.4.0, it is now possible to specify which browser to use:

try (CypressContainer container = new CypressContainer().withLocalServerPort(port)
                                                        .withBrowser("firefox")) {
    CypressTestResults testResults = container.getTestResults();

If we combine this with JUnit 5 DynamicTest support, we can do this:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class TodoControllerCypressIntegrationTest {
    private int port;

    List<DynamicContainer> runCypressTests() throws InterruptedException, IOException, TimeoutException {

        DynamicContainer chromeTests = DynamicContainer.dynamicContainer("Chrome",
                                            runCypressTestsOnBrowser("chrome")); (1)
        DynamicContainer firefoxTests = DynamicContainer.dynamicContainer("Firefox",
                                            runCypressTestsOnBrowser("firefox")); (2)
        return List.of(chromeTests, firefoxTests);

    private List<DynamicContainer> runCypressTestsOnBrowser(String browser) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException {
        try (CypressContainer container = new CypressContainer().withLocalServerPort(port)
                                                                .withBrowser(browser)) {
            CypressTestResults testResults = container.getTestResults();

            return convertToJUnitDynamicTests(testResults); (3)

    private List<DynamicContainer> convertToJUnitDynamicTests(CypressTestResults testResults) {
        List<DynamicContainer> dynamicContainers = new ArrayList<>();
        List<CypressTestSuite> suites = testResults.getSuites();
        for (CypressTestSuite suite : suites) {
            createContainerFromSuite(dynamicContainers, suite);
        return dynamicContainers;

    private void createContainerFromSuite(List<DynamicContainer> dynamicContainers, CypressTestSuite suite) {
        List<DynamicTest> dynamicTests = new ArrayList<>();
        for (CypressTest test : suite.getTests()) {
            dynamicTests.add(DynamicTest.dynamicTest(test.getDescription(), () -> assertTrue(test.isSuccess())));
        dynamicContainers.add(DynamicContainer.dynamicContainer(suite.getTitle(), dynamicTests));
1 Run the tests in Chrome
2 Run the tests in Firefox
3 Convert the results of the Cypress tests into DynamicContainer and DynamicTest objects

When running the test in IntelliJ, we see this nice hierarchy of the tests, grouped per browser:

intellij test results multiple browsers

Specify what tests to run

With this release, a new withSpec(String spec) method is added. This allows to specify a single spec file to run or to run multiple by specifying a wildcard.

For example to specify a single spec file:

try (CypressContainer container = new CypressContainer().withLocalServerPort(port)
                                                        .withSpec("cypress/integration/todos.spec.js")) {
    CypressTestResults testResults = container.getTestResults();

Example with wildcards:

try (CypressContainer container = new CypressContainer().withLocalServerPort(port)
                                                        .withSpec("cypress/integration/login/**")) {
    CypressTestResults testResults = container.getTestResults();


See testcontainers-cypress-0.4.0-example for the full source of this example.

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